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Review: The Jellybean Dilemma by Maren Jenner (Sweet Nothings #2)

4 stars

I just finished book 2 of the Sweet Nothings series, The Jellybean Dilemma, and boy, was it a ride! Rhonda and Greg's simmering connection from Book 1 had me hooked, and I couldn't wait to see how their story unfolded.

Remember Rhonda from book 1? The socialite who always outshone her twin brother Derek? Well, she's changed. She's ditched her shallow lifestyle and turned into a bit of an introvert. She doesn't want to return to her old life with her ex-fiancé and former friends but is unsure what's next. And there's Greg - the man she's had a crush on since he was her chauffeur back in the day.

Greg has always been a bit of a mystery. Despite being in Rhonda and Derek's life for years, they don't know much about him. But things start to heat up when he becomes Rhonda's driver again at the end of Book 1.

There are misunderstandings galore throughout the novel, which made me want to shake some sense into them! But it also made their romantic tension all the more palpable. We slowly get to know Greg better and understand why he rejected Rhonda years ago.

Rhonda has been hiding parts of herself too - like her claustrophobia and harassment by her ex-fiancé. But after a few panic attacks where Greg takes care of her, she starts opening up more. With his support, she shares these secrets with her friends and brother.

Her parents' elitism is another hurdle they face as they refuse to accept that Rhonda is dating Greg. But no spoilers here!

I enjoyed The Jellybean Dilemma even more than The Cupcake Standard. Seeing Rhonda confront her past and grow alongside Greg was truly heartwarming.

Big thanks to Maren Jenner for the ARC copy. This is just my two cents, but what about you? Have you read it yet? Let's chat in the comments!

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