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  • sashmarguerite

Review: The Cockpit by Ava Olsen (Voyagers #3)

Updated: Sep 27, 2023

5 stars

Hey folks, you remember Rafe and George from book one, right? The model-turned-photographer and the uptight captain who couldn't stand each other after that Christmas dinner debacle? Well, guess what? Their story just got a whole lot more interesting.

Rafe's on board his brother Rowan's yacht for a photo shoot and trying his best to steer clear of the captain. But let's be honest, they're both pretty good-looking guy,s and sparks are bound to fly.

They start off at each other's throats, but then something shifts when George extends an olive branch in the form of a crew-arranged dinner. Surprisingly, they hit it off, and things take a turn.

George is all about connection before intimacy which is new territory for Rafe, who has always been more of a 'wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am' kind of guy. But as they spend more time together, we see George's caring and protective side coming out, and Rafe starts to see what it's like to be really cared for. Their relationship evolves beautifully from there.

Despite their rocky start, I found myself rooting for them because their characters were so well-developed. And let me tell you, their happily-ever-after was totally worth the wait!

By the way, I got this book for free from Gay Romance Reviews, but my thoughts are entirely my own. What do you guys think about enemies-to-lovers stories? Have any favorites? Let me know!

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