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  • sashmarguerite

Review: Punk-In by Ava Olsen (Wayward Lane #1)

Updated: Feb 6

5 stars

Hey guys! Just got done with PUNK-IN, and wow, what a journey! It's a rockstar romance that's got it all - red-hot chemistry, an unforgettable Halloween gig, and the perfect happy ending.

Remember our buddies Van and Brodie from NY Nights: Bodyguard Edition? The suspense was real with those two, and I've been on tenterhooks for their own story. Trust me, it didn't disappoint!

Van has been subtly orbiting Brodie for four years since he became the manager of Wayward Lane. The hilarious part? He didn't even know he had Brodie's pictures all over his place! Talk about being unconsciously smitten!

Then there's our man Brodie... He's had it bad for Van for ages, always trying to get a rise out of him. Despite living the rockstar life with a revolving door of groupies, he ditched it all for Van.

When they finally caved into their feelings and started seeing each other... oh boy! Things heated up fast! Their bond is so genuine and deep - it's something special. And guess what? Van has been secretly penning some of Brodie’s top tracks - how cute is that?

I'm totally head over heels for this book! Fingers crossed it's just the beginning of a new series because I'm itching to see what goes down with Dawson and Holloway next.

What about you guys? What are your thoughts on PUNK-IN?

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