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Review: Endeavor by Ava Olsen (Voyagers #4)

Updated: Sep 27, 2023

5 stars

Hey, pals! Just finished reading 'Endeavor', the fourth book in Ava Olsen's Voyagers series, and boy, what a ride it was! It's a steamy MMM romance featuring Jared, Alex, and Aiden that had me chuckling one moment and reaching for tissues the next.

Jared is this lovable American actor-turned-director who hires Alex and Aiden due to some legal trouble with a studio exec from his past. Alex is this tough-as-nails British ex-military guy turned bodyguard who's super protective. And then there's Aiden, a cheeky British barrister who always has a witty comeback ready.

In the previous books, we've seen hints of Jared being interested in both Aiden and Alex. Even Dylan, whose love story we saw unfold in book two, teases Jared about it at the start of this one. He even hints that Now, Voyager - the yacht they're all staying on - has a knack for bringing couples together. The sparks really start flying when our trio finds themselves in Thailand on Now, Voyager.

Their romance is incredibly sweet, and their chemistry is off the charts! They handle their relationship like adults - no unnecessary drama - just honest conversations. It was heartwarming to see them looking out for each other. The way Olsen handled Jared's harassment issue felt very real, and I was thrilled with how it was resolved. The happily-ever-after ending was just perfect! This book has definitely cemented Ava Olsen as one of my must-read authors.

So folks, have you read 'Endeavor' yet? What did you think? Let's chat about it!

Thank you to Ava Olsen for the ARC copy.

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