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  • sashmarguerite

Review: Damned If You Do by Alex Brown

Updated: Sep 27, 2023

4 stars

Hey there, bookworms! Just finished this YA Horror Comedy novel about a Filipino-American teen, Cordelia Scott. She's juggling her stage manager duties for the school play and her slipping grades when suddenly, a new guidance counselor, Fred (who happens to be a demon), enters the scene. Turns out, Fred is the same demon who sent Cordelia's dad to hell seven years ago. And guess what? A piece of Cordelia's soul went along with him. Now she has to complete a favor for Fred to get it back - trapping another demon in a figurine to stop some demonic capitalism.

I gotta admit, I'm not usually into horror stuff, but this book? Couldn't put it down! There's this whole tension around Cordelia's feelings for Veronica and her guilt over feeling like she's a monster, just like her dad. Plus, I loved all the Filipino folklore bits sprinkled in there. And Cordelia's ragtag group of pals? They're awesome!

Would love it if there was a follow-up novel - especially if it involves Veronica turning into an aswang. Thanks to Turn the Page Tours and Page Street YA for hooking me up with a free copy of this book! What about you guys? What are you reading these days?

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