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  • sashmarguerite

Review: Chance Match by Wendy Rathbone (Perfect Match Agency #2)

Updated: Sep 27, 2023

4 stars

Hey folks! Just got my hands on a Wendy Rathbone book, and boy, was I stoked to dive in! It's the second one in the Perfect Match Agency series, penned by multiple authors.

Our main guy Kace is an omega with Heat Repulsion. Basically, his heats are super painful. His doc suggests two options: find a compatible alpha or pop some pills to stop his heats (and say bye-bye to having kids). The doc also points him towards Perfect Match Agency, which uses genetics to pair up Alphas and Omegas.

Poor Kace gets matched with Morgan, an Alpha who's as exciting as watching paint dry. Plus, he can't help but be drawn to Storm's scent - Storm being Morgan's assistant. Now Storm is an alpha with trust issues when it comes to omegas, all thanks to a high school fling gone wrong. At first, he seems pretty prejudiced against omegas.

But then there's this crazy chemistry between Storm and Kace right from their first meeting (before Kace's lackluster date with Morgan). They set off each other's rut and heat faster than you can say 'fated mates'. It's a whirlwind romance that'll leave you breathless!

Got this book for free from Gay Romance Reviews (thanks guys!) and decided to share my thoughts with y'all.

What about you? Ever experienced love at first sight? Let me know below!

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