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Review: Catch and Release Groom by Cindi Madsen

Updated: Sep 27, 2023

5 stars

Hey peeps, I just finished reading Catch and Release Groom and boy, did I have a blast!

Meet Imogen, our runaway bride who ditched her childhood sweetheart because she knew marrying him would be a big mistake. Instead of crying over spilled milk, she decided to go on her dream honeymoon alone and figure out her new life post-breakup. Talk about girl power!

Then there's Easton - the guy left standing at the altar. He's still holding a grudge about being jilted which made him judge Imogen pretty harshly when they first met. They were attracted to each other but also found each other annoying (classic rom-com material right there!). The tension between them was so fun to read, especially when they decided to fake date.

I also adored Easton's friends, who weren't afraid to call him out on his nonsense and were super supportive throughout.

The only thing that bugged me a little was the resolution part. I wished we could've seen more of how Easton planned his grand gesture with Imogen's friends and how Imogen reacted to his apology.

But overall, it was a great read! Big shout-out to Turn the Page Tours and Entangled Publishing for giving me an ARC copy of this book for an honest review.

So guys, what are your thoughts on love stories with a fake dating twist? Let's chat in the comments!

Just letting you know, if you happen to click on any of the links I've shared, Amazon's Influencer program will give me a tiny bonus. It won't cost you anything extra, but it's a neat way to support what I'm doing here!

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