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Best Ways to Access ARCs as a Book Influencer

Updated: May 21

The Best Book Influencer Programs to join and other ways to get ARCs.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

What's up, my book-loving buddies! I've been spilling the beans about my book escapades on social media since November 2022. And, you know what? I've scored a load of pre-release books (ARCs) for absolutely nothing! There's no better feeling than diving into a great read before the crowd, am I right? Now, it's your turn. Wanna know where to score these ARCs from? Think of this post as your ultimate guide to all the programs I've stumbled upon since my journey began!

There are a bunch of ways to snag ARCs. Sometimes you gotta fill out an application and spill the beans about yourself and your social media game. Other times, it's all about asking for a specific book.

I've scored ARCs from book tour companies, review sites, publishers, and straight from authors themselves. Let me break down each method for you...

Book Tour Companies

Ever wondered how authors and publishers plan those exciting cover reveals, virtual book tours (also known as book blitz), and promotions for all your favorite reads? It's all thanks to some pretty awesome book tour companies! I've been lucky enough to work with a few of them. And oh, a special shout-out to Hear Our Voices Tours - they sent me my very first ARC back in December 2022. Good times! The companies below are ones I have personally worked with on tours.

Book Review Websites

If you're into e-galleys (aka ebook ARCs), you've probably heard of NetGalley. It's been the go-to spot for a while now. Just to be clear, I hopped on the bandwagon years ago but only really got into it in January 2023.

And guess what? I've stumbled upon some other cool e-galley websites this year that are totally worth exploring! The websites posted below are some I use frequently.

Here's a hot tip for all you newbies to NetGalley - start off by downloading some 'Read Now' books to review. This helps boost your feedback ratio, which ideally should be around 80%. Why does this matter? Well, your feedback ratio is basically the percentage of feedback you give compared to the books and audiobooks you get approved for (this includes Read Now, Listen Now, Invites, and Wishes Granted).

Remember folks, authors and publishers are counting on our feedback. So let's make it count! They're more likely to approve members who provide thoughtful reviews and recommendations about their books.

Publishers’ Book Influencer Programs

Did you know that publishers often split into various imprints, each handling different kinds of books? Some have their own influencer programs, while others band together into one big program.

The rules vary - some want you to have a ton of Instagram followers, while others are more interested in your engagement levels. But hey, there's no harm in giving it a shot, right?

Once you're in, most publishers send out an email every month (or quarter), listing all the ARC or finished copies of soon-to-be-released books up for grabs. All you gotta do is fill out a form with your book choices, and voila! There's no guarantee you'll get all the books you ask for but trust me, it's way easier than sending separate emails for each book.

Some even send auto emails or snail mail with books matching your application preferences.

Just a heads up: this info might change over time. I've done my best to keep it accurate while writing this, and I'll try to update it as necessary, but stuff can slip through the cracks. Now let's dive into that list!

Penguin Random House

Random House Influencer Program: Every Penguin Random House (PRH) publishing imprint is now working together on a shared influencer database. If you want to be considered for the program, set up a profile in the Penguin Random Community. This is where they will search for and identify influencers they would like to work with across their company.

If you want to request a specific title, you must send them an email within three months of the publication date of that title. For inquiries book Influencers must email with:

  • Your name and handle of your primary social media account

  • Your total follower count

  • Your mailing address (they are only able to partner with US-based influencers, please see the FAQ on their site)


Harper Books: Apply to join their influencer newsletter. They dish out a neat letter with a form for their upcoming releases every few months.

HarperKids/Epic Reads: Here's a Google doc about their influencer program. Dig in all the way to the end for some juicy details on how to hop in.

Harper Perennial Influencer Newsletter: Apply to receive emails about advanced reader copies and finished copies available for review from Harper Perennial and Harper Paperbacks.


Macmillan Influencer Program: They've whipped up a new form for all you book-loving influencers and reviewers out there. This is their way of expanding their circle, so more of us can get our hands on their amazing books. So, if you're into that, give it a go!

Tor/Forge: If you're keen on staying updated with the latest book releases, shoot an email to Tor publicity at the email listed below. They'll add you to their digital catalog list, and you'll get a quarterly email with all the juicy info on upcoming titles and how you can request 'em

St. Martin's Press/Wednesday Books/Minotaur: Apply to join the SMPG Influencer Outreach program. They'll drop you emails now and then with all the juicy details and even an ARC request form. Note: There is an active boycott against St Martins Press and its subsidiaries called #SpeakUpSMP and you can learn more from the Readers for Accountability Carrd

Celadon Books: To get your hands on some advanced reader copies from them, just pop your details in their database, and you could be selected based on what you love to read.

Flatiron Books: Sign up for their newsletter and receive offers for ARCs, interviews with their authors, ebook deals on their titles, and more!

If you have a specific title request, you can reach out to the publisher at:

Hachette Book Group

Grand Central Publishing: Apply to join their program, and you'll get occasional emails with forms for upcoming titles. Check the FAQ for more information.

HB Social Club: Apply to join their influencer mailing list. Once you're accepted they'll email out a title request form where you can select books.

Simon and Schuster

Simon Books Buddy: Apply to join their program, and you'll get monthly emails about upcoming titles and have the opportunity to request review copies. Check the FAQ for more information.

Melville House

If you're interested in reviewing any Melville House books, just shoot an email to Don't forget to mention the book title you want to review, where your review will be published, and your contact info.

Greystone Books

If you're a Bookstagrammer, BookToker, or any kind of book reviewer, they have an influencer program that might be just your thing. Check it out and see their available titles. Just fill out their form and get started!

Wattpad WEBTOON Book Group

They're on the lookout for influencers who love books as much as they do. Just shoot them a link to your bookish online profiles, and who knows? You might be their next big thing!

Hansen House

They are an indie publisher of LGBTQIA stories, and it is owned and operated by LGBTQIA people. They were founded on the belief that there can never be too much LGBT+ literature out there. Fill out their form to apply to their ARC Reader Program.

Sourcebooks Casablanca

Please fill out the form to be considered for inclusion in their influencer program.

ITNA Press

Apply for ITNA’s Book Influencer Program. Approved influencers receive finished copies and/or e-galleys of our new and forthcoming titles, for review and promotion in social media.

Audiobook ALCs (Advanced Listener Copy)

Fancy getting your ears on the newest audiobooks before anyone else? Join the Libro.FM Influencer Program! This cool gig gives you a sneak peek at upcoming books from different publishers. Plus, you can pick up to 10 audiobooks of any genre to download and enjoy in the app every month.

Penguin Random House Audio is another option, but check their FAQ to see if you qualify.

Directly from Authors

Did you know that many indie authors share ARC sign-ups on their social media and newsletters? It's a cool way to get your hands on an ARC directly from the author. They have control over their ARC distribution, so they can send you files straight to your inbox or through links to BookFunnel, a popular ebook distribution site.

Final Thoughts

If you're like me and love to get your hands on advanced copies of books, then hopefully this list helped you out. There are loads of ways to snag these early editions, but it's all about finding the right platforms that suit your style and audience. It's all about connecting with the right programs that'll help you shine in the book influencer world.

Remember, it's not just about getting free books (although that's a pretty sweet deal). It's also about becoming a trusted voice in our book-loving community. So why not start building your portfolio today? Let's dive into this book influencer adventure together! What book are you hoping to read before anyone else?

*Please check the FAQ for each program to see if they accept international reviewers.*

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If you enjoyed this post, then be sure to sign up for my email newsletter where I share updates about my latest reviews and blog posts. If email is not your thing, head to TikTok, Instagram, Threads, Facebook, or X to follow along for all the bookish fun!

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